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第 5 章 包管理系统:工具和基本原则

5.1. 二进制包的结构
5.2. 软件包元信息
5.2.1. 描述:control 文件
5.2.2. 配置脚本
5.2.3. Checksums, List of Configuration Files, et al.
5.3. 源码包的结构
5.3.1. 格式
5.3.2. Debian 中的使用
5.4. 通过dpkg来操作软件包
5.4.1. 安装软件包
5.4.2. 软件包移除
5.4.3. 查询 dpkg 的数据库,并检查 .deb 文件
5.4.4. dpkg的日志文件
5.4.5. 多架构支持
5.5. 与其它软件包共存
作为 Debian 系统管理员,你经常地要处理 .deb 包,因为它们包含一致的功能单元(应用程序、文档等),使得安装和维护更容易。所以了解它们是什么及如何使用它们是个好主意。
本章介绍了“二进制”和“源码”包的结构和内容。前者是文件,可以用 dpkg 命令直接处理;而后者则包含程序的源代码,以及创建二进制包的指令。

5.1. 二进制包的结构

Debian 软件包格式被这样设计,在具有经典命令如 artarxz 或者有时候是 gzipbzip2的 Unix 系统上,它的内容都可以被解压。这是个看起来琐碎的属性对移植和灾难恢复是非常重要的。
Imagine, for example, that you mistakenly deleted the dpkg program, and that you could thus no longer install Debian packages. dpkg being a Debian package itself, it would seem your system would be done for... Fortunately, you know the format of a package and can therefore download the .deb file of the dpkg package and install it manually (see sidebar 工具 dpkgAPTar). If by some misfortune one or more of the programs ar, tar or gzip/xz/bzip2 have disappeared, you will only need to copy the missing program from another system (since each of these operates in a completely autonomous manner, without dependencies, a simple copy will suffice). If your system suffered some even more outrageous misfortune, and even these don't work (maybe the deepest system libraries are missing?), you should try the static version of busybox (provided in the busybox-static package), which is even more self-contained, and provides subcommands such as busybox ar, busybox tar and busybox xz.
In case of a misfortune, you better also have a backup of your system (see 第 9.10 节 “备份”).
来看看 .deb 文件的内容:
$ ar t dpkg_1.21.22_amd64.deb
$ ar x dpkg_1.21.22_amd64.deb
$ ls
control.tar.gz  data.tar.xz  debian-binary  dpkg_1.21.22_amd64.deb
$ tar tJf data.tar.xz | head -n 16
$ tar tJf control.tar.xz
$ cat debian-binary
如你所见, Debian 包的 ar 存档格式由三个文件组成:
Debian 二进制文件
This is a text file which simply indicates the version of the .deb file package format version. In Debian Bookworm it is still version 2.0.
data.tar.xz, data.tar.bz2, data.tar.gz