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第 4 章 安装

4.1. 安装方式
4.1.1. 从CD-ROM/DVD-ROM安装
4.1.2. 从U盘引导
4.1.3. 从网络引导安装
4.1.4. 其他安装方式
4.2. 安装,一步一步来
4.2.1. 引导和开始安装
4.2.2. 选择语言
4.2.3. 选择国家
4.2.4. 选择键盘布局
4.2.5. 检测硬件
4.2.6. 加载组件
4.2.7. 检测网络硬件
4.2.8. 配置网络
4.2.9. 管理员密码
4.2.10. 创建第一个用户
4.2.11. 配置时钟
4.2.12. 检测磁盘和其他设备
4.2.13. 开始分区的工具
4.2.14. 安装基本系统
4.2.15. 配置包管理器 (apt)
4.2.16. Debian 软件包流行度排行
4.2.17. 选择安装软件包
4.2.18. 安装 GRUB 引导程序
4.2.19. 完成安装并重启
4.3. 在首次启动之后
4.3.1. 安装附加软件
4.3.2. 升级系统
The installer for Bullseye is based on debian-installer. Its modular design enables it to work in various scenarios and allows it to evolve and adapt to changes. Despite the limitations implied by the need to support a large number of architectures, this installer is very accessible to beginners, since it assists users at each stage of the process. Automatic hardware detection, guided partitioning, and graphical user interfaces have solved most of the problems that novices used to face in the early years of Debian.
Installation requires 256 MB of RAM (Random Access Memory) and at least 2 GB of hard drive space. All Falcot computers meet these criteria. Note, however, that these figures apply to the installation of a very limited system without a graphical desktop. A minimum of 2 GB of RAM and 10 GB of hard drive space are really recommended for a basic office desktop workstation.

4.1. 安装方式

A Debian system can be installed from several types of media, as long as the BIOS/UEFI (see 笔记 UEFI,一个 BIOS 的现代替代品) of the machine allows it. You can for instance boot with a CD-ROM, a USB key, or even through a network.

4.1.1. 从CD-ROM/DVD-ROM安装

Various CD-ROM families have different purposes: netinst (network installation) contains the installer and the base Debian system; all other programs are then downloaded. Its “image”, that is the ISO-9660 filesystem that contains the exact contents of the disk, only takes up about 150 to 280 MB (depending on the architecture). On the other hand, the complete set offers all packages and allows for installation on a computer that has no Internet access; it requires around 19 DVD-ROMs (or 4 Blu-ray disks). There is no more official CD-ROMs set as they were really huge, rarely used and now most of the computers use DVD-ROMs as well as CD-ROMs. But the programs are divided among the disks according to their popularity and importance; the first disk will be sufficient for most installations, since it contains the most used software.
最后一种类型的安装镜像文件就是熟知的mini.iso,该文件仅可作为安装器的副产品。 该镜像仅包含配置网络所需的最小需求,其它的任何东西都需要下载(包括安装器本身部分,所以新版本的安装器发布时该镜像就没有用了)。这些镜像可在常规的Debian镜像站点的dists/release/main/installer-arch/current/images/netboot/目录下找到。
To acquire Debian CD-ROM images, you may, of course, download them and burn them to disk. You may also purchase them, and, thus, provide the project with a little financial support. Check the website to see the list of DVD-ROM image vendors and download sites.

4.1.2. 从U盘引导

因为大多数计算机能够从 USB 设备启动,所以你也可以从 USB 盘(小闪存盘)安装 Debian。
安装指南说明了怎样做一个包含debian-installer的 USB 盘。安装过程很简单, 因为i386 和 amd64 架构的 ISO 镜像是混合(在一起)的, 从 USB 盘引导与从 CD 引导的镜像是一样的。
You must first identify the device name of the USB key (ex: /dev/sdb); the simplest means to do this is to check the messages issued by the kernel using the dmesg command. Then you must copy the previously downloaded ISO image (for example, debian-11.0.0-amd64-netinst.iso) with the command cat debian-11.0.0-amd64-netinst.iso >/dev/sdb; sync. This command requires administrator rights, since it accesses the USB key directly and blindly erases its content.
A more detailed explanation is available in the installation manual. Among other things, it describes an alternative method of preparing a USB key that is more complex, but that allows you to customize the installer's default options (those set in the kernel command line).

4.1.3. 从网络引导安装

许多的 BIOS 允许从网络上下载内核和一个最小化的文件系统镜像并直接以此进行系统引导。这种方法(有几种不同的名称,比如 PXE 或者 TFTP 引导)在计算机没有光驱、或者 BIOS 无法从其它介质进行引导的时候就是最后的一条救命稻草了。
这种安装方法分两个步骤。第一步,在引导计算机时, BIOS(或者网卡)发出一个 BOOTP/DHCP 请求以自动获取 IP 地址。BOOTP 或 DHCP 服务器返回的响应将包含一个文件名以及当前网络的设定情况。在配置好网络后,客户端计算机发出一个 TFTP(简单文件传输协议)请求,所请求的文件名称由先前的响应决定。在文件获取完成后,它将作为一个引导程序被计算机执行。此后,它将会启动 Debian 安装程序,安装程序将正常运行,就好像它是从硬盘、CD-ROM 或是 U 盘引导运行那样。
所有该方法的细节都在安装指南里(“准备用于 TFTP 网络启动的文件”章节)。

4.1.4. 其他安装方式

当需要为大批量计算机部署定制安装时,我们通常会选择自动安装,而不是手动安装。依照进行安装的场景和复杂度,我们可以使用 FAI (Fully Automatic Installer,即完全自动安装,参见 第 12.3.1 节 “全自动安装器 (FAI)” ) ,甚至会使用带有预置信息(preseed)的定制安装 DVD (参见 第 12.3.2 节 “预设值 Debian 安装”)。
还当注意的是,安装程序可以加载并运行 SSH 服务,从而提供了通过 SSH 来远程安装 Debian 的能力。发行说明中还描述了如何使用grub 从现有系统中运行安装程序来完全取代它。