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6.10. Pakete suchen

With the large and ever-growing amount of software in Debian, there emerges a paradox: Debian usually has a tool for most tasks, but that tool can be very difficult to find among the myriad other packages. The lack of appropriate ways to search for (and to find) the right tool has long been a problem. Fortunately, this problem has almost entirely been solved.
Die einfachst mögliche Suche ist die nach einem exakten Paketnamen. Wenn apt show Paket ein Ergebnis zurückliefert, existiert das Paket. Unglücklicherweise erfordert die, den Paketnamen zu wissen oder zumindest zu erraten, was nicht immer möglich ist.
Eine etwas erfolgreicheres Suchschema ist die Volltextsuche über die Paketnamen, wenn auch immer noch stark beschränkt. Im Allgemeinen lassen sich Resultate durch die Suche in den Paketbeschreibungen erzielen: Da jedes Paket über eine mehr oder weniger detailierte Beschreibung verfügt, wird eine Schlagwortsuche in diesen Beschreibungen oftmals erfolgreich sein. apt-cache und axi-cache sind das Mittel der Wahl für diese Art der Suche (siehe auch ALTERNATIVE axi-cache); beispielsweise liefert apt-cache search video eine Liste aller Pakete deren Name oder Beschreibung das Schlagwort "video" enthält.
For more complex searches, a more powerful tool such as aptitude is required. aptitude allows you to search according to a logical expression based on the package's meta-data fields. For instance, the following command searches for packages whose name contains iso, whose description contains cd and whose maintainer's name contains joerg:
$ aptitude search iso~dcd~mjoerg
p   genisoimage  - Creates ISO-9660 CD-ROM filesystem images
$ aptitude show evince
Package: genisoimage              
Version: 9:1.1.11-3.4
State: not installed
Priority: optional
Section: otherosfs
Maintainer: Joerg Jaspert <>
Architecture: amd64
Uncompressed Size: 1698 k
Depends: libbz2-1.0, libc6 (>= 2.33), libmagic1 (>= 5.12), zlib1g (>= 1:1.1.4)
Suggests: wodim, cdrkit-doc
Conflicts: mkhybrid, mkisofs
Replaces: mkisofs
Provides: mkisofs
Description: Creates ISO-9660 CD-ROM filesystem images
 genisoimage is a pre-mastering program for creating ISO-9660 CD-ROM filesystem
 images, which can then be written to CD or DVD media using the wodim program.
 genisoimage includes support for making bootable "El Torito" CDs, as well as
 CDs with support for the Macintosh HFS filesystem. 
 The package also includes extra tools useful for working with ISO images: 
 * mkzftree - create ISO-9660 image with compressed contents 
 * dirsplit - easily separate large directory contents into disks of predefined size 
 * geteltorito - extract an El Torito boot image from a CD image 
 Please install cdrkit-doc if you want most of the documentation and README files.
Tags: hardware::storage, hardware::storage:cd, hardware::storage:dvd,
      interface::commandline, role::program, scope::utility, use::storing,
      works-with-format::iso9660, works-with::archive
The search only returns one package, genisoimage, which satisfies all three criteria.
Even these multi-criteria searches are rather unwieldy, which explains why they are not used as much as they could. A new tagging system has therefore been developed, and it provides a new approach to searching. Packages are given tags that provide a thematic classification along several strands, known as a “facet-based classification”. In the case of genisoimage above, the package's tags indicate that it is a storage- and more precisely CD- and DVD-related command-line utility to work with ISO9660 file-systems.
Browsing this classification can help you to search for a package which corresponds to known needs; even if it returns a (moderate) number of hits, the rest of the search can be done manually. To do that, you can use the ~G search pattern in aptitude, but it is probably easier to simply navigate the site where tags are managed or use the debtags command:
$ debtags search "works-with::video && use::editing"
Selecting the works-with::video and use::editing tags yields a handful of packages, including the shotcut and pitivi video editors. This system of classification is bound to be used more and more as time goes on, and package managers will gradually provide efficient search interfaces based on it.
Zusammenfassend wird das beste Werkzeug für die Aufgabe durch die Komplexität der durchzuführenden Suche bestimmt: