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8.6. シェル環境

コマンドインタプリタ (シェル) はコンピュータのユーザが最初に触れるものですから、かなり使いやすくなければいけません。ほとんどのシェルは、挙動 (自動補完、プロンプトテキストなど) を設定する初期化スクリプトを使います。
標準的なシェルである bash は「対話型」シェル用に /etc/bash.bashrc 初期化スクリプトを使い、「ログイン」シェル用に /etc/profile を使います。
簡単に言うと、ログインシェルはローカルおよびリモートの ssh 経由でコンソールにログインするか、明確に bash --login コマンドを実行してログインする際に実行されます。ログインシェルか否かに関わらず、シェルは対話的 (たとえば xterm 系ターミナルの中で実行される場合) にもなれば、一方で非対話的 (スクリプトとして実行される場合) にもなります。
For bash, it is useful to install and activate “automatic completion”. The package bash-completion contains these completions for most common programs and is usually enabled if the user's .bashrc configuration file was copied from /etc/skel/.bashrc. Otherwise it can be enabled via /etc/bash.bashrc (simply uncomment a few lines) or /etc/profile.
In addition to these common scripts, each user can create their own ~/.bashrc and ~/.bash_profile to configure their shell. The most common changes are the addition of aliases; these are words that are automatically replaced with the execution of a command, which makes it faster to invoke that command. For instance, you could create the la alias for the command ls -la | less command; then you only have to type la to inspect the contents of a directory in detail. Please note that the shell needs to be reinitialized after adding an alias, e.g. by starting a new shell.
Setting default environment variables is an important element of shell configuration. Leaving aside the variables specific to a shell, it is preferable to place system wide variables in the /etc/environment file, since it is used by the various programs likely to initiate a shell session. Variables typically defined there include ORGANIZATION, which usually contains the name of the company or organization, and HTTP_PROXY, which indicates the existence and location of an HTTP proxy. Other options include to set system wide variables via scripts in /etc/profile.d, or session wide variables via .pam_environment or .profile, where the latter can override any definition contained in the first. The file /etc/default/locale is meant to contain system wide locale related environment variables.